Class Table
Perfect for short-term, temporary, classes.
Choose what classes you want to display in the Jackrabbit class table and your users we have a conventional way to find the best class times for their future schedules. For ongoing weekly classes we suggest the Jackrabbit Class Calendar.

Display the class(es) you want
Choose a location and a categor(y/ies) and display whichever classes you want. Depending on how categories are set up you may choose to display a single class level or multiple levels.

Choose the columns you want to show on your class table
The information you display on your class table is entirely up to your discretion. Options include:
- Class title
- Location
- Age range
- Gender
- Start date
- Start time
- End date
- End rime
- Days of the week
- Spaces available
- Instructors
- Instructor Name
- Instructor Thumbnail
Choose the best format for your Jackrabbit class setup

Table Customization
Customize the look, feel, and information displayed in your class calendar. Change headings, terminology, days shown on the calendar, and colors to match your school’s branding.